KFC – Karambi Football Club started as a social project in Kabarole District Uganda – with football as a tool KFC wants to 11900083_705315556239896_4737755784448772468_ncreate opportunities for a better future by adding KFC into local, and work together, school systems. Football is very popular like elsewhere in Uganda.YOUTH from our district are largely excluded from organized football because of poverty and social background. KFC will give YOUTH the opportunity to play organized football, which is highly supported. KFC like to develop and motivate their players, but football is not in itself and end but a mathematical formal to develop and prepare YOUTH for everyday life, to acquire a good life before and after KFC – go for goals, go for the golden ratio because use KFC started with one single idea and then KFC added more numbers, then KFC continue to expand with youth dreams, hope and faith that with KFC something starts to happen.

KFC are in progress and more evolved KFC forms are made which ultimately makes the current team obsolete, and brings the idea of golden ratio into the arena. 10520677_536965006408286_4918929813925481013_nMathematical KFC have no evidence of good player design, but KFC are good because of a logical outcome from player information, KFC simply give a very interesting pattern in which structures and players use in KFC construction – its very fascinating – all matches and goals shows up because KFC are good. Yet, the logical process that were utilized to discover KFC and a big leap of faith to bridge YOUTH belief constructs with football science and math – just love KFC. When it comes to golden ratio in football we have the golden number 1/φ= 61,8% and used to identify changes in players, by setting time periods or values before we bet goals, and the safest methods, especially when KFC are the favorite. When KFC players will be making bets whose amount is determined by the numbers of the player sequence, and if KFC lose a bet, KFC should keep betting using the following number and amount of the sequence. And if KFC win, KFC must go back 2 numbers in the sequence, and bet that amount of goals. 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368, 75025, 121393, 196418, 317811, 514229, 832040, 1346269……………………………….. φ=5^0.5*0.5+0.5
Sports, art, nature and mathematics, all together around number φ and this is a very good system for KFC, as it’s very difficult to miss more than 5 goals. The main drawback is that the growth rate of potential goals is a little slow, and for having big results KFC have to invest more time, more new players then losses are minimized.


That’ s why there are 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons on a soccer ball and hexagons are special which is closely related to KFC formula for hope, vision, dreams and reality in a system that can provide good social and natural conditions by improving ourselves after the 90 minutes.

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